
Pal Skills - All Active Skills & Passive Skills

Active Skills

Palworld Action Skill Stone Blast

Stone Blast

Fires a barrage of stones forward.

PWR: 55CLD: 10RNG: 500 - 4000
Palworld Action Skill Power Bomb

Power Bomb

Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Sand Tornado

Sand Tornado

Generates two sand tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.

PWR: 80CLD: 18RNG: 100 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Spinning Roundhouse

Spinning Roundhouse

Anubis's special skill. Performs a spin kick with its strong legs, cutting down enemies over a wide area.

PWR: 100CLD: 21RNG: 0 - 300
Palworld Action Skill Forceful Charge

Forceful Charge

Anubis's special skill. Pursues its foe with a high speed dash while releasing energy and unleashes a powerful punch.

PWR: 120CLD: 28RNG: 1500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Ground Smash

Ground Smash

Anubis's special skill. Leaps high into the air before diving to the ground with a punch. The force of the impact deals damage over a wide area.

PWR: 140CLD: 35RNG: 0 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Rock Lance

Rock Lance

Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 100 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Ignis Blast

Ignis Blast

Hurls a ball of fire straight at an enemy.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Spirit Fire

Spirit Fire

Shoots fireballs towards an enemy. The fireballs explode after a short distance, generating smaller fireballs that spread forward.

PWR: 45CLD: 7RNG: 1000 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Flare Arrow

Flare Arrow

Fires three flaming arrows in succession that home in on an enemy.

PWR: 55CLD: 10RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Hellfire Claw

Hellfire Claw

Incineram's exclusive skill. Draws near enemies using its left claw to slash them into the air before cutting them down with its right claw.

PWR: 70CLD: 10RNG: 1100 - 1200
Palworld Action Skill Shadow Burst

Shadow Burst

Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.

PWR: 55CLD: 10RNG: 0 - 300
Palworld Action Skill Fire Ball

Fire Ball

Creates a giant ball of flame and hurls it at an enemy. The ball explodes over a wide area upon impact.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Ignis Rage

Ignis Rage

Energizes the surrounding ground, causing it to explode after a set amount of time.

PWR: 120CLD: 40RNG: 100 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Sand Blast

Sand Blast

Hurls sticky mud at an enemy.

PWR: 40CLD: 4RNG: 500 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Dark Ball

Dark Ball

Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down an enemy.

PWR: 40CLD: 4RNG: 500 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Spirit Flame

Spirit Flame

Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.

PWR: 75CLD: 16RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Nightmare Ball

Nightmare Ball

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.

PWR: 100CLD: 30RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Dark Laser

Dark Laser

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 1800
Palworld Action Skill Ice Missile

Ice Missile

Creates ice lances in the air that fly towards enemies.

PWR: 30CLD: 3RNG: 800 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Air Cannon

Air Cannon

Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.

PWR: 25CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 4000
Palworld Action Skill Icicle Cutter

Icicle Cutter

Creates a crescent blade of ice and hurls it forward.

PWR: 55CLD: 10RNG: 500 - 4000
Palworld Action Skill Iceberg


Summons a sharp ice lance under an enemy.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 100 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Cryst Breath

Cryst Breath

Enshrouds an enemy in a frigid blast of air, dealing continuous damage.

PWR: 90CLD: 22RNG: 100 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Blizzard Spike

Blizzard Spike

Creates a giant lump of ice and hurls it at an enemy. It deals damage to those in the surrounding area upon impact.

PWR: 130CLD: 45RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Reckless Charge

Reckless Charge

Rushoar's special skill. Takes aim at a foe and rushes at them with a mad charge.

PWR: 55CLD: 2RNG: 300 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Power Shot

Power Shot

Charges energy into a focused blast.

PWR: 35CLD: 4RNG: 600 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Pal Blast

Pal Blast

Charges destructive energy before firing a high-powered beam forward across a wide area.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 1800
Palworld Action Skill Wind Cutter

Wind Cutter

Fires a high speed blade of wind that flies straight at an enemy.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Seed Machine Gun

Seed Machine Gun

Fires a volley of hard seeds at enemies in front of it.

PWR: 50CLD: 9RNG: 0 - 300
Palworld Action Skill Spine Vine

Spine Vine

Generates spiny thorns that chase an enemy along the ground, piercing them from below.

PWR: 95CLD: 25RNG: 500 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Solar Blast

Solar Blast

Charges solar energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 1800
Palworld Action Skill Implode


Risks its life to cause a violent explosion. Becomes incapacitated afterwards.

PWR: 230CLD: 55RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Megaton Implode

Megaton Implode

Risks life to cause a massive explosion. Those who perish for their duty become glistening stars in the night sky.

PWR: 500CLD: 55RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Antler Uppercut

Antler Uppercut

Eikthyrdeer's exclusive skill. Charges at foes and uses antlers to launch them into the air. If used while riding, the direction of the charge can be controlled.

PWR: 50CLD: 5RNG: 550 - 2000
Palworld Action Skill Stone Cannon

Stone Cannon

Digs up a boulder and hurls it at an enemy.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 500 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Aqua Gun

Aqua Gun

Hurls a ball of water straight at an enemy.

PWR: 40CLD: 4RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Shell Spin

Shell Spin

Digtoise's exclusive skill. Moves while spinning its whole body at high speeds. Drills through enemies, dealing continuous damage.

PWR: 65CLD: 9RNG: 200 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Aqua Burst

Aqua Burst

Creates a giant ball of water and hurls it at an enemy.

PWR: 100CLD: 30RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Gale Claw

Gale Claw

Galeclaw's exclusive skill. Soars through the air with its talons outstretched forward.

PWR: 60CLD: 8RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Grass Tornado

Grass Tornado

Generates two tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.

PWR: 80CLD: 18RNG: 700 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Spark Blast

Spark Blast

The user releases a lightning ball that expands outward in a forward, circular pattern.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Shockwave


Quickly discharges electricity, shocking those around it.

PWR: 40CLD: 4RNG: 0 - 300
Palworld Action Skill Lightning Claw

Lightning Claw

Grizzbolt's special skill. After leaping at an enemy and tearing at it twice with its electrically charged claws, it attacks the ground, sending an electric shock throughout the area.

PWR: 90CLD: 22RNG: 0 - 700
Palworld Action Skill Lightning Streak

Lightning Streak

Generates a lightning bolt that moves forward in a line.

PWR: 75CLD: 16RNG: 500 - 2000
Palworld Action Skill Tri-Lightning


Generates lightning that strikes an enemy three times from above.

PWR: 90CLD: 22RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Lightning Strike

Lightning Strike

Acts as a lightning rod, calling down thunderbolts that electrocute the surrounding area.

PWR: 120CLD: 40RNG: 0 - 500
Palworld Action Skill Lightning Bolt

Lightning Bolt

Charges electric energy before blasting enemies with a powerful shock.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Hydro Jet

Hydro Jet

Hurls a high speed ball of water at an enemy.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Bubble Blast

Bubble Blast

Fires numerous bubbles that slowly pursue an enemy.

PWR: 65CLD: 13RNG: 1000 - 3500
Palworld Action Skill Acid Rain

Acid Rain

Creates acidic clouds that pour down acid rain on enemies.

PWR: 80CLD: 18RNG: 100 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Hydro Laser

Hydro Laser

Shoots pressurized water at extreme velocities, sweeping over a wide area in front of it.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 1800
Palworld Action Skill Fierce Fang

Fierce Fang

Direhowl's special skill. Swiftly leaps at an enemy and bites into them.

PWR: 45CLD: 2RNG: 800 - 900
Palworld Action Skill Ground Pound

Ground Pound

Gorirat's exclusive skill. Pounds the ground twice before leaping into the air and unleashing a powerful punch.

PWR: 85CLD: 14RNG: 0 - 500
Palworld Action Skill Electric Ball

Electric Ball

Fires an electric ball that slowly pursues an enemy.

PWR: 50CLD: 9RNG: 500 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Lock-on Laser

Lock-on Laser

Takes aim at an enemy before firing a super high speed laser.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 0 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Ignis Breath

Ignis Breath

Shoots flames at an enemy, dealing continuous damage.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 500 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Plasma Tornado

Plasma Tornado

Creates two balls of electric energy that fire numerous bolts of lightning at enemies.

PWR: 65CLD: 13RNG: 500 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Roly Poly

Roly Poly

Lamball's special skill. Curls into a ball, rolling after any enemies in its way. Becomes dizzy and unable to move after the attack ends.

PWR: 35CLD: 1RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Dragon Cannon

Dragon Cannon

Hurls an energy ball imbued with draconic energy at an enemy.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 4000
Palworld Action Skill Draconic Breath

Draconic Breath

Exhales breath imbued with draconic energy, dealing continuous damage to those in front of it.

PWR: 70CLD: 15RNG: 500 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Dragon Meteor

Dragon Meteor

Calls down numerous small meteorites and launches them at an enemy.

PWR: 150CLD: 55RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Flare Storm

Flare Storm

Generates two flaming tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.

PWR: 80CLD: 18RNG: 700 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Jumping Claw

Jumping Claw

WereWolf's exclusive skill. Leaps forward and attacks twice with vicious claws imbued with dark energy.

PWR: 55CLD: 7RNG: 400 - 500
Palworld Action Skill Ignis Slam

Ignis Slam

Pyrin's exclusive skill. Charges forward while clad in a veil of flames. Flames continue to burn in its wake.

PWR: 85CLD: 14RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Dark Charge

Dark Charge

Pyrin Noct's exclusive skill. Charges forward while clad in a veil of dark flames. Flames continue to burn in its trajectory.

PWR: 85CLD: 14RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Dragon Burst

Dragon Burst

Quickly discharges draconic energy, damaging those around it.

PWR: 55CLD: 10RNG: 0 - 200
Palworld Action Skill Mystic Whirlwind

Mystic Whirlwind

Elphidran's exclusive skill. Generates twin whirlwinds imbued with a mysterious power that pursues enemies.

PWR: 70CLD: 10RNG: 0 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Fluffy Tackle

Fluffy Tackle

Melpaca's exclusive skill. Charges forward while clad in an aura of sublime adorableness.

PWR: 40CLD: 4RNG: 300 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Phantom Peck

Phantom Peck

Cawgnito's exclusive skill. Teleports next to an enemy before attacking with its beak.

PWR: 55CLD: 7RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Punch Flurry

Punch Flurry

Cattiva's special skill. Pursues enemies, repeatedly punching them with both its fists.

PWR: 40CLD: 1RNG: 0 - 500
Palworld Action Skill Poison Blast

Poison Blast

Hurls poison sludge at an enemy.

PWR: 30CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Cloud Tempest

Cloud Tempest

Fenglope's exclusive skill. Charges forward while manipulating the atmosphere to create a pressurized wind tunnel around itself.

PWR: 90CLD: 15RNG: 550 - 2000
Palworld Action Skill Volcanic Burst

Volcanic Burst

Reptyro's exclusive skill. Raises its front legs before slamming them into the ground, causing volcanic eruptions under its enemies. It simultaneously bombards them with volcanic bombs from above.

PWR: 100CLD: 45RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Frost Burst

Frost Burst

Reptyro Cryst's exclusive skill. Raises its front legs and slams them into the ground causing frozen blasts under its enemies. It simultaneously pounds them with snow balls from above.

PWR: 100CLD: 45RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Focus Shot

Focus Shot

Robinquill's exclusive skill. Takes aim while drawing its bow before loosing a powerful shot at an enemy.

PWR: 65CLD: 9RNG: 1000 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Seed Mine

Seed Mine

Launches a deadly seed. If it hits an enemy, the seed explodes.

PWR: 65CLD: 13RNG: 800 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Daring Flames

Daring Flames

Kitsun's exclusive skill. Charges forward with great speed while clad in intense blue flames.

PWR: 75CLD: 10RNG: 1000 - 3500
Palworld Action Skill Chicken Rush

Chicken Rush

Chikipi's special skill. Flies at enemies in its sights, attacking them with its sharp beak.

PWR: 30CLD: 1RNG: 0 - 500
Palworld Action Skill Botanical Smash

Botanical Smash

Dinossom's exclusive skill. Uses large tail to smash the ground in front of it, damaging enemies over a wide area.

PWR: 60CLD: 8RNG: 0 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Crystal Wing

Crystal Wing

Frostallion's exclusive skill. Dashes forward while creating frigid air around its wings, using them to slash enemies.

PWR: 110CLD: 24RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Earth Impact

Earth Impact

Mammorest's exclusive skill. Uses massive body to shake the earth, dealing damage over a wide area.

PWR: 100CLD: 30RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Muscle Slam

Muscle Slam

Broncherry's exclusive skill. Turns sideways before tackling enemies in front of it, sending them flying into the air.

PWR: 80CLD: 12RNG: 0 - 400
Palworld Action Skill Phoenix Flare

Phoenix Flare

Faleris's special skill. Covers its body in a tornado of flames before charging forward.

PWR: 135CLD: 28RNG: 500 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Freezing Charge

Freezing Charge

Reindrix's exclusive skill. Charges at an enemy with antlers adorned in ice.

PWR: 65CLD: 9RNG: 550 - 2000
Palworld Action Skill Divine Disaster

Divine Disaster

Shadowbeak's exclusive skill. Charges forward while generating orbs of light that automatically capture enemies. The orbs automatically capture enemies, before releasing a barrage of lasers.

PWR: 160CLD: 45RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Poison Fog

Poison Fog

Generates a fog of poison in front, causing the opponent to become poisoned.

PWR: 0CLD: 30RNG: 0 - 200
Palworld Action Skill Tornado Attack

Tornado Attack

Nitewing's exclusive skill. Generates a tornado before soaring towards its target.

PWR: 65CLD: 13RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Spinning Lance

Spinning Lance

Elizabee's exclusive skill. Channels power into its staff, and unleashes it in a whirl.

PWR: 70CLD: 9RNG: 0 - 600
Palworld Action Skill Bee Quiet

Bee Quiet

Risks its life to cause a violent explosion, but receives the honor of falling in battle.

PWR: 250CLD: 55RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Crushing Punch

Crushing Punch

Mossanda's exclusive skill. Winds up its fist before striking an enemy with a devastating punch.

PWR: 85CLD: 18RNG: 0 - 700
Palworld Action Skill Blast Punch

Blast Punch

Mossanda Lux's exclusive skill. Winds up its fist before pummeling an enemy with a flurry of electrically charged punches.

PWR: 85CLD: 14RNG: 0 - 700
Palworld Action Skill Blazing Horn

Blazing Horn

Arsox's exclusive skill. Takes aim and rushes at an enemy with a mad dash.

PWR: 50CLD: 9RNG: 1000 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Beam Comet

Beam Comet

Jetragon's exclusive skill. Flies at enemies on illuminated wings while firing innumerable beams. The beams explode on impact.

PWR: 140CLD: 50RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Kingly Slam

Kingly Slam

Kingpaca's exclusive skill. Leaps high into the air before smashing into an enemy with its massive body.

PWR: 100CLD: 21RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Giga Horn

Giga Horn

Warsect 's exclusive skill. Skewers enemies with its four sturdy horns.

PWR: 75CLD: 11RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Spear Thrust

Spear Thrust

Paladius's exclusive skill. Clads itself in holy power before charging forward with its spear. The shield in its other hand protects from attacks during the charge.

PWR: 120CLD: 40RNG: 0 - 2500
Palworld Action Skill Emperor Slide

Emperor Slide

Penking's exclusive skill. Lies on its belly while generating frozen air all around it before sliding at enemies at high speed.

PWR: 70CLD: 10RNG: 500 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Iaigiri


Bushi's exclusive skill. After Holding the sword, he appears in front of the enemy in an instant and unleashes a Ultra-fast sword draw attack.

PWR: 65CLD: 9RNG: 1000 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Twin Spears

Twin Spears

Necromus' exclusive skill. Clads its twin spears with vicious whirlwinds and charges forward, thrusting them one after the other.

PWR: 120CLD: 40RNG: 0 - 1000
Palworld Action Skill Cat Press

Cat Press

Grintale's exclusive skill. Grins menacingly before leaping into the air and smashing foes with its body.

PWR: 60CLD: 9RNG: 0 - 1500
Palworld Action Skill Kerauno


Orserk's exclusive skill. Summons a spear of lightning while leaping into the air before throwing it at an enemy.

PWR: 100CLD: 30RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Dark Cannon

Dark Cannon

Hurls an energy ball imbued with dark energy at an enemy.

PWR: 50CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Umbral Surge

Umbral Surge

Fires a high speed ball of dark energy that spreads forward in a radial shape.

PWR: 40CLD: 2RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Dark Arrow

Dark Arrow

Fires off dark energy that homes in on an enemy.

PWR: 65CLD: 10RNG: 500 - 5000
Palworld Action Skill Apocalypse


Generates several dark vortexes in the surrounding area.

PWR: 110CLD: 55RNG: 100 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Nightmare Ray

Nightmare Ray

Bellanoir's exclusive skill. Disappears suddenly, then reappears while firing a barrage of beams.

PWR: 140CLD: 50RNG: 0 - 9999
Palworld Action Skill Flame Waltz

Flame Waltz

Bellanoir Libero's exclusive skill. Dances gracefully while creating an extending ring of flames. Then, it fires mysterious flames that home in on enemies.

PWR: 130CLD: 45RNG: 0 - 3000
Palworld Action Skill Nightmare Bloom

Nightmare Bloom

Bellanoir Libero's exclusive skill. Disappears suddenly, then reappears while firing a barrage of beams. The beams spread like a beautiful flower in bloom.

PWR: 160CLD: 50RNG: 0 - 9999

Passive Skills


+10% Attack
-10% Defense


+50% Work Speed

Blood of the Dragon

+10% to Dragon attack damage.

Botanical Barrier

+10% Leaf Resist.

Bottomless Stomach

+15% Full stomach decrease.


+10% Attack


-20% Defense


+10% to Lightning attack damage.


-10% to incoming Dark damage.


-10% Work speed


+10% to Ice attack damage.


+10% Work Speed
-10% Defense.

Dainty Eater

-10% Full Stomach Decrease.


+15% Sanity Decrease.

Diet Lover

-15% Full Stomach Decrease.


-10% Defense


+10% Dragon Resist.

Earthquake Resistant

+10% Earth Resist.


+20% Shot Attack.

Fragrant Foliage

+10% Grass attack damage.


+10% Full Stomach Decrease

Heated Body

-10% to incoming Ice damage.


+10% to Water attack damage.

Insulated Body

-10% to incoming Lightning damage.

Logging Foreman

+25% to Player Logging Efficiency.


+15% Work Speed
+15% Attack


+15% Defense
-15% Attack

Mine Foreman

+25% to Player Mining Efficiency.

Motivational Leader

+25% to Player Crafting Speed.


+30% Attack
-50% Work Speed


+10% to Movement Speed.


-20% Attack

Positive Thinker

-10% Sanity Decrease

Power of Gaia

+10% to Earth attack damage.


+10% to Fire attack damage.


+20% to Movement Speed.


+15% Attack
-15% Defense


+20% Work Speed


-30% Work Speed

Stronghold Strategist

+10% to Player Defense.

Suntan Lover

-10% to incoming Fire damage.


+30% to movement speed.


+10% Sanity Decrease.


+10% to Player Attack.

Veil of Darkness

+10% to Dark attack damage.


-10% to incoming Water damage.

Work Slave

+30% Work Speed
-30% Attack


-15% Sanity Decrease.

Zen Mind

+10% to Neutral attack damage.

Earth Emperor

+20% to Earth attack damage.

Lord of the Sea

+20% to Water attack damage.


Attack +20%Defense +20%Movement Speed increases 15%

Ice Emperor

+20% to Ice attack damage.

Flame Emperor

+20% to Fire attack damage.


-10% to incoming Neutral damage.

Spirit Emperor

+20% to Grass attack damage.

Divine Dragon

+20% to Dragon attack damage.

Celestial Emperor

+20% to Neutral attack damage.

Lord of the Underworld

+20% to Dark attack damage.

Lord of Lightning

+20% to Lightning attack damage.

Siren of the Void

+20% to Dark attack damage.
+20% to Ice attack damage.