
an image of the Palworld item Strange Juice

Strange Juice

Juice that greatly improves mood when consumed. Drinking it significantly increases work speed for a period of time, but significantly lowers SAN.

Rank: 3

Price: 40000

Weight: 0.2

Max Stack Count: 9999

Found in Treasure Box: No

Satiety: 1

Sanity: 60

Crafting Recipe

an image of the Palworld item/resource Beautiful Flower

5 x Beautiful Flower

an image of the Palworld item/resource Horn

5 x Horn

an image of the Palworld item/resource Bone

2 x Bone

an image of the Palworld item/resource Pal Fluids

2 x Pal Fluids

Workable Amount: 300000

Product: 1 x Strange Juice

Dropped By

an image of the Palworld creature/pal that drops the item => Lovander


Amount: 1 - 1

Rate: 1%