
an image of the Palworld item Mozzarina Hamburger

Mozzarina Hamburger

The rich flavor of beef melds with the sweetness of the buns in perfect harmony in this masterpiece. Eat to increase work speed and make SAN decrease slightly slower for a period of time.

Rank: 3

Price: 1620

Weight: 0.5

Max Stack Count: 9999

Found in Treasure Box: No

Satiety: 162

Sanity: 20

Crafting Recipe

an image of the Palworld item/resource Mozzarina Meat

1 x Mozzarina Meat

an image of the Palworld item/resource Flour

1 x Flour

an image of the Palworld item/resource Lettuce

2 x Lettuce

Workable Amount: 32000

Product: 1 x Mozzarina Hamburger