
an image of the Palworld item Gold Coin

Gold Coin

Currency traded on Palpagos Island. Can be exchanged for items or Pals with merchants.

Rank: 1

Price: 1

Weight: 0

Max Stack Count: 99999999

Found in Treasure Box: No

Satiety: 0

Sanity: 0

Dropped By

an image of the Palworld creature/pal that drops the item => Mau


Amount: 100 - 200

Rate: 50%

an image of the Palworld creature/pal that drops the item => Direhowl


Amount: 10 - 20

Rate: 3%

an image of the Palworld creature/pal that drops the item => Vanwyrm


Amount: 10 - 40

Rate: 10%